“7 Steps to Brand”® Programme

1. Uniqueness Building

Through rigorous and in-depth research and analysis, the client will be helped in identifying its unique strength and precious endowment. By uniqueness, it means something or quality difficult to be copied, at least within a long period of time. Since uniqueness is usually short in supply, it can help the owner stand out from the crowd.
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2. Aesthetics Designing

Apart from being unique, the clients will be advised to develop good image in packaging. This will equally apply for goods, services and the person. Since 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder', we will study the clients\’ stakeholders so as to understand the latter’s perception and offer practical advices for the clients for image development.
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3. Authenticity Maintenance

Image package does not mean artificial or cosmetic whitewashing. Our approach on the contrary will stress on the authenticity and trustworthiness of the brand. It might involve abundant work in self-reflection and external checking mechanism. All in all, rigorous measures will be suggested for the clients to prevent fakery or untrue matters from occurring or implying. In addition, originality in idea or design will be emphasized in the brand building process.
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4. Value creation

Our clients will be challenged whether their presence or offers can create values for their stakeholders. Values can have different nature ranging from political to economic to social to spiritual and so on. We will help the clients to search for their own values in order to develop confidence in exchange for their stakeholders’ support or patronage.
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5. Engagement strategy

Competition exists in literally all types of goods, services or endeavors in the world. To capture sufficient “eye ball’ for sustainable development, our clients need to know where, what and how to engage with their stakeholders. Appropriate channels, format and contents of engagement will be designed together with the clients. In view of the era of web 3.0, all social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and so on, might need to be considered for engaging actions on top of the traditional methods. Strategic advice will be given for the clients which media or channel to adopt and how to use them. Apart from direct interactions between the clients and their stakeholders, we will also offer practical tips for the clients to develop relationship among the stakeholders themselves.
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6. Excellence questing

No matter how attractive an original idea it may be, our clients need to be mindful of the possible deterioration in their goods, service or personal image if no sufficient effort is spent on maintaining their quality. Therefore, we will help the clients to undertake necessary and continuous quality assurance measures in order to keep improving and upgrading both in efficiency and effectiveness. All management practices which are instrumental for maintaining the clients’ brand competitiveness and relevance on the one hand and keeping their authenticity on the other will be stressed to the clients. When the clients encounter sorts of crisis potentially damaging their brand image, we will promptly and strategically shoulder with them in responding with a view to savaging and safeguarding the brand.
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7. Sustainability management

There is no guarantee for any goods, services or people to stay viable or attractive forever. Apart from the quest for excellence in terms of efficiency and effectiveness, the clients will be advised to respond proactively to the more and more demand for an enterprise, organization or individual who aim to keep their good brand. These demands might include the various behaviors under the Corporate Social Responsibilities, environmentally friendly acts, good corporate governance, fair trade practices, generous donation to or voluntary work for the community, the law abiding endeavors and so on. To stay relevant and fresh in their stakeholders’ mind, the clients must keep being innovative and adaptive to the surrounding development provided that their brand uniqueness and authenticity are adhered to. Strategic advices and balanced recommendations will be offered for the clients in the relevant aspects
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